June 1, 2012 by Gary Price
From The Vancouver Sun: Jamie Anstey has just purchased the mother of all Vancouver record collections – CBC Vancouver’s record library. And that’s records, not com-pact discs. About 50,000, in fact: 37,913 LPs, 11,780 45s, 492 78s and 462 records that are listed as “miscellaneous.” The collection had been built up since 1958, but was […]
March 13, 2012 by Gary Price
From Exclaim.ca: Earlier this year, the CBC revealed plans to digitize and dismantle their entire CD and vinyl archives due to budget cuts and other financial uncertainties. While there are undoubtedly some CBC staffers who are sad to say goodbye to so much physical media, Calgarians will rejoice in the fact that local record store […]
January 26, 2012 by Gary Price
From The Globe and Mail: The CBC is quietly dismantling its archives of LPs and CDs across Canada – a cultural treasure trove built over decades – even as it prepares to launch a major new music service online. With uncertainty over levels of funding from Ottawa, CBC management has told archivists to winnow the […]