From the Digital Curation Centre Blog: We’re often asked where data can be deposited, so it’s great to be able to announce an international list of data repositories initiated by DataCite. The list notes what subject areas the repositories support and outlines any restrictions on data access, licence agreements and identifiers used. From the List: […]
Paper — Demystifying the Data Interview
Data Files, Interviews, Journal Articles, Libraries, Management and Leadership, Profiles, Resources
|Demystifying the Data Interview What would a “typical” librarian need to know before conducting an interview with a faculty member regarding his/her research data and associated needs in managing or curating this data? Supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Purdue University Libraries and the Library School at the University of Illinois […]
100% Impressive: New: Health Datasets and Visulizations From the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx)
Associations and Organizations, Data Files, Journal Articles, Maps, Resources
|Direct to Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) A new “must have” resource for health researchers, journalists, educators, and others. 100% impressive! Even if you’re not a health researcher many of the concepts that when into developing the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) and the design of the platform are applicable to many types of data. […]
No Kidding: Most U.S. Government Transparency Web Sites To Go Dark
Dashboards, Data Files, Funding, Interviews, Management and Leadership, News, Profiles, Resources
|From Federal News Radio: Many of the Obama administration’s top open government initiatives are set to be turned off by May 31. Government sources confirm that the Office of Management and Budget is planning to take seven websites dark in two months because of a lack of funding. One government official, who requested anonymity because […]
From an Information Week Article: Fashioned similarly to other open-data sites but with its own innovations, lets people view data sets from government agencies; interact with that data by creating charts, graphs, calendars, and maps; and make suggestions for the release of data sets they find valuable, according to the Oregon Department of Administrative […]
From an Open Knowledge Foundation Blog Post by Friedrich Lindenberg (Developer at the Open Knowledge Foundation working on CKAN, and Open Spending): Recently, there has hardly been a week in which there hasn’t been an announcement of a new local, regional or national open data initiative – including ever more extensive catalogues of data […]
From American City and County: A new database from the Washington-based Center for State and Local Government Excellence (CSLGE) and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College offers access to a variety of state and local government pension data. The Public Plans Database (PPD) contains comprehensive financial, governance, and plan design information for 126 […]
From Tennant’s LJ Blog Post: I was interested to see recently that Google had opened up their data visualization infrastructure. One part of it is a tool that anyone can use to visualize publicly available data — the Public Data Explorer. [Clip] They have a directory of many public datasets, but you can also upload […]
From a News Release: The Echo Nest, a music intelligence platform powering smarter music apps across the web and various devices, announced on Tuesday that it has provided music analysis and metadata to the Million Song Dataset, a collaboration between The Echo Nest and Columbia University’s LabROSA (Laboratory for the Recognition and Organization of Speech […]
From the NLM Technical Bulletin: The List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU), 2011 edition, is now available in XML format. The 2011 edition contains 14,287 serial titles, including titles currently indexed for MEDLINE® as well as titles indexed over time which have ceased or changed titles, listed alphabetically by the journal title abbreviation. […]