Serials: "Political Analysis and Social Media: A Case Study for Journals"
From the Oxford University Press Blog by R. Michael Alvarez, Professor of Political Science at Caltech and co-editor with Jonathan N. Katz of Political Analysis:
After my co-editor, Jonathan N. Katz, and I took over editorship of Political Analysis in January 2010, one of our primary goals was to extend the readership and intellectual reach of our journal. We wished to grow our readership internationally, and to also deepen our reach outside of political science, into other social sciences.
This has required a multi-faceted approach, using traditional advertising, email marketing, and continued evolution of our primary website. One of the approaches that we have been experimenting with in the past year has been using social media, in particular Facebook and Twitter.
Our experience with Facebook and Twitter has been largely positive. As of this article’s publication, we have 348 Twitter followers and 463 Facebook followers who have “liked” our page. While this obviously pales in comparison to celebrities like Ashton Kutcher (one of the celebrities that officials in Los Angeles recently appealed to for help getting the word out about “Carmageddon”, who has approximately 7.3 million Twitter followers and 10.4 million Facebook “likes”), we are pleased by our social media efforts so far, and we are looking for new ways to use both social media approaches to continue to get the word out about the great research appearing in Political Analysis
Read the Complete Blog Post
In Other News: Oxford University Press to Publish American Historical Review
Oxford’s reputation among historians here and abroad is very high” noted Robert Schneider, Editor of the AHR. “We are especially eager to work with the press to improve our access to libraries and subscribers outside North America. The AHR also wants to maintain its position at the leading edge of digital publishing in the Humanities. With its impressive in-house technological expertise and its broad experience in this area, OUP offers us the means to move forward in an ever-changing environment of digital publishing.”
Filed under: Libraries, News, Publishing
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at