New Digital Collection Available Online: Japanese-American Internment Camp Newspapers, 1942 to 1946
This new digital collection is available online from the Library of Congress.
From the Collection Overview:
Included in this collection are 29 newspaper titles (in English, Japanese, or both) from camps in seven states.
Produced by the Japanese-Americans interned at assembly centers and relocation centers around the country during World War II, these newspapers provide a unique look into the daily lives of the people who were held in these camps. They include articles written in English and Japanese, typed, handwritten and drawn. They advertise community events, provide logistical information about the camps and relocation, report on news from the community, and include editorials.
Nearly 120,000 American citizens and residents of Japanese descent living along the West Coast were removed from their homes, bringing only what they could carry. They were forced to go to various assembly centers and relocation centers located throughout the Western United States. These camps, run by the Army and the War Relocation Authority, were created with temporary structures and barracks, surrounded by barbed wire. The living conditions were deplorable with large families housed in small rooms or even converted stables, and barracks that were not insulated against harsh winters or high heat. The rudimentary living conditions and prison-like environment, however, did not prohibit the people in these camps from forming their own communities and culture.
Within the camps, residents organized themselves and filled necessary functions such as organizing schools and libraries. They also began producing their own publications, including newspapers. Before internment there had been a long history of Japanese American newspapers being published in the West.
Direct to Complete Intro and Digital Collection
See Also: Timeline
See Also: List of Titles in this Collection
See Also: Related Resources (via LC)
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at